Monday, May 25, 2009

NYC trip =)

so... i just got back from my 1st trip to NYC =)

loved it.
did a lot. one of my favorite things is probably the amount of people there.. and the type of people... it's crazy.. there are SO many tourists.. from SO many places... it's really interesting.. i also loved going to Brooklyn and finally being able to hear that Brooklyn accent all around me haha. I enjoyed being around a lot of historical landmarks and being able to see many of the places mentioned in literature and film =) as soon as i got there i thought HOLDEN CAUFIELD. haha.

i have A LOT to say about the trip... but i also have A LOT of hmwk to do. so all i'm going to say is.. one of the places i WASN'T too fond of (other than Harlem) was Carnegie Deli! i mean... sure.. the hot pastrami tasted pretty darn good.. but.. are you kidding me?!

disgusting!! like... why would you want SO MUCH meat?.. one of my english professors, Mr.D, let me know that the "sandwiches were big enough for two"... and boy was he right.. more like 3! or 4! .. it was insane... we ate about HALF of what we were served. it was insane. I wonder how much meat they throw out daily. oh and the video they play within the restaraunt is close to horrifying. They show the sandwiches and everything.. but, personally, i think it's more scary that appetizing.

so, basically, want to waste food and ask for a heart attack? go to carnegie deli. haha. OR be smart and only order ONE sandwich!.. go on from there.

i <3 NY.

Monday, May 11, 2009


i like this =)