Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sex & The City

so, i just got back from watching "Sex and The City"... and, well, i've never watched the show before, and so, i didn't really want to go watch the movie either... but some of my girl friends wanted to, and so i thought, why not?

i'm glad i went. =]

the theater was PACKED with women... laughing women.. giggling women.. gossiping women.. happy women.. beautiful women. So many of them were dressed up (in heels and a cute dress).. and so many of them came in groups... it was like a huge girl's movie night out. and it wasnt only at THAT theater.. because we went to another one before that (but had to leave because they were sold out) and there were A LOT of "dressed up" women there too. there were so many happy faces. so many groups of men-less women. so many arms being linked by the same sex. it almost seemed like everyone had popped right out of the movie itself. at first i was a bit confused; i didn't understand what the big deal was. But then, it made me happy. =]

Personally, i don't think i get along well with too many girls, and so, usually i like to say that "i get along better with boys." Usually i think about how bitchy and moody women can be... how argumentive.. and competitive...ya know? but it's moments like these... when i see a whole bunch of women.. feeling BEAUTIFUL amongst eachother (with NO men).. being happy for the simple fact that they ARE women... that i remember how great women can be. women are fabulous =] i miss having sleepovers.. and going out with the girls.. feeling beautiful and seeing eachother as beautiful instead of thinking "damn it, she looks prettier than i do" and letting it ruin everything... and the more i think about it... it really doesn't have THAT much to do with what we're wearing that makes us feel beautiful during those moments... it has to do more with WHAT we're doing.. and WHO we're doing it with.. just being together as girls.. as women.. being able to let loose and be OURSELVES =] being OURSELVES is when we're most beautiful. being OURSELVES and not having to be judged for it, is when we're most happy. at this moment in time, i'm feeling very WOMANLY, and i like it =]

oh, and, the movie wasn't half bad. =] i enjoyed it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I actually went to watch that movie too. Well I'm a guy and yes I am straight. I am not homophobic or anything, but I say this because I went there and I think I was the only straight guy. They all did dress up and it was definitely very crowded theater. I find it unbelievable because usually when we go watch a "chick flick" there is guys with the girls that watch the movie. This one however was different it was groups and groups of ladies sitting next to each other like you said laughing, talking, some of them were singing the theme song as they walk in. It was like a giant party filled with girls. I felt a little bit out of place though but no matter I did enjoy the movie, and it was definitely a night to remember. I've been to theaters when there is absolutely no one there and I've been to theaters when it is so crowded that we sat on the stairs. This one however just completely filled with women. Women of all ages; is like they were once all sisters and an event of this size brought them together. Who knows maybe we were once sisters and I think movies like this should come out more often because it brings everyone together. Well....for girls at least. All girls can bring out their bets girl friends, dress up a little and have a great movie night out at the movies. Everyone must've been so happy and cheerful that night. I know it because the claps went on for quite a while after the movie and people actually stayed for the credits. Amazing....